There are a few ways you can create a PM schedule. First we'll talk about creating the schedule itself (inputting necessary details), then we'll go through all the areas from which you can kick the process off.
Creating PM Schedules
When creating a new schedule, you'll see a variety of fields you can fill in.
The first one you're presented with is the "Work Template" field. This is where you indicate what work needs to be done. Is it a filter replacement for your AC unit? An inspection of your boiler? Maintenance of your elevator? Determine what work it is you want done, then apply the template.
Next, you'll want to give your PM schedule a name - e.g, "Monthly Elevator Maintenance." This is the name that will be given to each work order that's generated from this schedule.
From there, you can add other details like:
- Assignee (ex: Phil Dunphy)
- Priority (ex: Normal)
- Group: (ex: Preventive Maintenance)
- Related To (ex: Lobby Elevator)
- Schedule (ex: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday)
- Start Date (ex: Today)
- End Date (ex: None)
- Days (how many days in advance of the due date you want the WOs to generate, ex: 5)
Once done, your PM schedule will be active and the corresponding work orders will be generated at the basis you defined.
Areas for Creating PM Schedules
1. An equipment or property record's detail pages
Say you're on your air conditioner's details page and want to create a PM schedule to replace its filter every 3 months. What you'll want to do is click the "More Options" button, then "Create PM Schedule."
The air conditioner will automatically link to the schedule, then you'll just fill in the rest of the info as shown in the GIF above.
2. The PM Schedules page
This is the scenario detailed at the top of this page. Simply navigate to "PM Schedules" in the sidebar, click "New" in the upper right corner, and input all your desired information.
3. The Work Manager
Lastly, if you're in the Work Manager, you can click "New" in the top right corner, select "PM Schedule," then input all the schedule's details.