NOTE: this functionality is restricted to users with the "Manage automated workflows" permission.
As noted here, automated workflows allow for the auto-routing of work requests to designated user(s) based on specific criteria. Creating these workflows is a straightforward process.
After navigating to the Automated Workflows page, you'll click "New," which opens this modal:
This is where you'll build your workflow. You'll give it a name and brief description, then define the criteria. Let's go through each of the sections one-by-one:
If a Work Request
This is where you set your first variable. It effectively sets the foundation for the rest of the rule - "if 'X' happens, then 'Y' happens."
The two options you can choose from are "Is Submitted" and "Is Submitted By."
- "Is Submitted" represents a work request that is submitted by anyone.
- "Is Submitted By" represents a work request that is submitted by a specific user. When you choose this option, a conditional field will open that allows you to select the user(s).
This is the second set of variables you can define, and where you can start to get really granular with your rule. For now, the two options you can choose from are "Category Is " and "Location Is."
- "Category" represents the classification or type of requested work - plumbing, lighting, flooring, etc.
- "Location" represents the 'where' component of the request - a specific property or sublocation in your account.
You can add as many variables as you want, so if you want your rule to include multiple locations and multiple categories, simply add them in.
Please note that this section is entirely optional, meaning you don't have to choose anything - you can bypass the section altogether so all submitted requests are automatically assigned for review to the users you define in the next section.
Assign for Review to
This is the third and final section of the rule. It's here that you define who the requests that meet the above criteria are automatically sent for review. You can select as many reviewers as you want, but you must select at least one.
Once the workflow is built how you want, all you have to do to activate it is click "Save." Work requests will immediately start being funneled to the selected user(s), based on the criteria you've defined. Pretty neat, right?
Example workflows
To help familiarize you with the tool even more, we've drafted some sample workflows below.
1. Plumbing Requests for Josh Allen
Description: Give all plumbing work requests to Josh Allen for review.
- If a Work Request: Is Submitted
- Category Is: Plumbing
- Assign for review to: Josh Allen
2. HelixIntel Middle School Electrical and Elevator Problems
Description: Give all electrical and elevator work requests from HelixIntel Middle School to Ted and Roy for review.
- If a Work Request: Is Submitted
- Category Is: Electrical
- Category Is: Elevator
- Location Is: HelixIntel Middle School
- Assign for review to: Ted Lasso and Roy Kent
3. First Floor Teacher Requests
Description: Give all requests from Toby, Bob, Arthur, Mary, and Kim to Tommy Smith for review.
- If a Work Request: Is Submitted By: Toby Flenderson, Bob Vance, Arthur Spooner, Mary Smith, and Kim Jones
- Assign for review to: Tommy Smith
If you have any questions about this functionality (or anything else), feel free to reach out to us via our support chat or at - we're here to help 🙂.